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Acupuncture can be an excellent treatment both to relieve pain, and promote recovery. And Osteopathy can be an excellent method to address any changes to global biomechanics that may be underpinning any injury. For example, and torsion or muscle imbalance that favours one side of the body may predispose to injury. In generally, symmetry and overall muscle balance are helpful in better recovery, and also preventing recurrence - and Osteopathic treatment seeks to bring about these changes. There is such a thing as 'mechanical back pain' and Acupuncture may be excellent at treating the pain aspect of this. However Osteopathy can be excellent at treating the altered biomechanics that cause and maintain any 'mechanical' back pain. Again, both Acupuncture and Osteopathy complement each other and work well together. Of course, depending on your preference in treatment style.
Acupuncture frequently treats other areas of the body, in addition to the site of injury. In Traditional Acupuncture there is also a focus on 'constitutional treatment' which can be strengthening (or re-balancing) the body to assist in recovery, and perhaps also to help prevent reoccurence.
These two treatment approaches, both Acupuncture and Osteopathy can work well together and complement each other. Both take a more 'global' perspective of the body, both treating pain at it's site of origin, and both looking beyond this to address any associated factors. Both Acupuncture and Osteopathy consider 'general health' highly important in recovery from any injury, and of significance in any health condition.
For example, as far as injury is concerned, most tissue-healing will happen at night (grown hormone, etc) and good sleep is a pre-requisite for optimum recovery. Anything less than this, may delay recovery and result in a longer recovery-time. Acupuncture may be excellent in addressing any issues around this. Sleep sounds simple, but is often centered around the entire state of health and the balance of the autonomic nervous system, especially if poor sleep is connected with stress or anxiety (common in modern life). This could be one example of treating the 'whole person' and not just the site of injury. Both Acupuncture and Osteopathy take this approach in their healing principles. And this can often give the best results - and faster recovery-time.
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