Acupuncture can be very helpful in the treatment of  headaches and migraine.  

Acupuncture needles may be used some distance away from the site of the pain (the head) perhaps in the hands and feet  -  and other places, such as the back, shoulders and so on.  

Usually I also include Osteopathy (and Cranial Osteopathy) when treating headaches, perhaps lightly holding the head to treat and relieve the pain, and gently working into the neck and shoulder area, as these muscles can also be involved in many headaches.  Perhaps acupuncture will also be used on the back and shoulder area, as these muscles travel up the neck towards the back of the head. 

Also, we can think that the brain and spine are connected (the nervous system is also within the spinal cord) and the cerebrospinal fluid the surrounds the brain, also travels the length of the spinal cord. Any muscle tension around the shoulder area, neck and the back muscles can perhaps result in headaches, or certainly exaggerate them. 

So as an Osteopath in addition to being an Acupuncturist, I find that treating the back, and the spine - goes together with treating the head, and headaches. For more information about these, please see the Osteopathy pages, to understand more about Osteopathic treatment here on this website.
Osteopathic treatment can be very gentle (perhaps almost entirely using Cranial Osteopathy which is a very gentle form of Osteopathic treatment). 

Osteopathy need not involve any manipulation of the neck or spine, unless this is your preference. We are all different, and different treatment works for differnt people. Of course, many people find that Osteopathic manipulation of the back and/or neck can be highly effective (perhaps even enjoyable!) and give instant relief.

As I said, most of the time, I find that both Osteopathy and Acupuncture used together in the same treatment can give the best results.

One final thing here -  most headaches are benign, but there are rare dangerous headaches (please see the end of this page for this).

There are many causes of headaches (and for more information on this, please this page the information near the middle and end of the page below the pictures).  For example, any head injury, blow to the head, concussion or loss of consciousness, needs to be immediately assessed at a hospital.  If this has happened to you (or a family member) call 111 for an ambulance or go to A&E imediately.

But the majority of headaches are quite benign, even though they may, at times, casue a great of pain and discomfort. 
And, for the most part, this also includes migraines and cluster headaches.


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