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Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)
provides personal injury cover for all New Zealanders and also temporary visitors. Your Osteopath (or GP, or physiotherapist) can lodge a New claim. Even seemingly 'minor events' (e.g. lifting heavy weights in the gym, or lifting a child or heavy shopping, moving furniture, loading a vechile etc) can still qualify as an 'injury' as they frequently cause back-pain (neck, shoulder-pain, etc) and a lot of muscle pain and strain.

A 'previous' injury must be less than a year old, for any 'physical therapy' (osteopathy, chiropractic, physiotherapy, acupuncture) although cover can be extened, within 12 months. (Your GP can use 'old' injuries for years, to keep prescribing medication -  but osteopaths cannot).  Often I ask, what has triggered this occurence, and it's frequently a 'new' event   -   something like a lot of gardening, heacy lifting, playing with (grand)children, a sports injury, etc.   This becomes a 'new' ACC claim. But if you do have an old one -  and know the claim number -  please bring it with you when you come for your appointment.  (I can log in and look up the claim number if you know your NHI number. This will be on any prescribed medication you take.)

ACC pays a portion of your treatment costs; you need to also pay some of the treatment cost (the ACC surcharge). Please see fees page. ACC may be able to assist with any travel expenses.  If you have any questions about your ACC claim, please log into MyACC or call the ACC Helpline 0800 101 996 or visit.  You don't (necessarily) need to contact me (or your GP) to check your claim status  -  you can do this too.





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022 571 0118