Despite sometimes very intense pain Cluster Headaches are still considered so called 'benign' or 'primary' headaches, in that, other than causing a lot of pain, they do not do harm to the body ( for more on dangerous headaches please see the description of these  -  at and near the end of the Headaches page, everything written below the pictures )

Cluster headaches can come on quickly, and the pain is often described as sharp, piercing or burning in nature.  Cluster headaches can often be on one side of the head, and the pain can be around, or behind one eye.   People can also suffer from re-occurring headaches from anything between around 15 minutes to three hours in duration, up to perhaps 8 times a day, possibly less. 

The causes of cluster headaches are not fully understood, however a small area deep in the brain, called the hypothalmus, that modulates several neurobiological systems, has shown to be activated during cluster attacks.

A cluster headache occurs on one side of the head only.  Stress is not generally a trigger for cluster headaches -  but may trigger migraine headaches.  migraine headache tends to be a throbbing or pulsating pain -  often on one side of the head also.  A cluster headache can come on very quickly, and is often described as sharp, piercing or burning. As with a migraine, a cluster headache also occurs on one side of the head, but the pain tend to be around or behind one eye.

Osteopathic treatment of cluster headaches often involves acupuncture also (if this is your preference) and points may be used in other parts of the body (e.g. hands and feet,  shoulders or upper back).  Sometimes I will treat cluster headaches with acupuncture with Cranial Osteopathy lightly holding the head with perhaps a little acupcunture to points in the hands and/or feet.

There may be some relationship between headaches and posture (even cluster headaches) and Osteopathic treatment may also address other areas, particularly the spine and upper back and neck.

I also find that Osteopathy can be particularly effective (especially in the treatment of headaches) when used together with Acupuncture - if you are willing to try this.

I have trained in both Traditional Acupuncture and also Western Medical Acupuncture and have considerable expereince in using Acupuncture in the treatment of headaches and cluster headaches with very good effect. In my (many years) of clinical experience,  Acupuncture and Osteopathy work very well together in the treatment of headaches.





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