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> Osteopathic spinal manipulation <
Osteopathic spinal manipulation is the release of spinal facet or zygapophyseal joints - with what is sometimes called a 'high veocity low amplitude thrust. The effect of this is to restore normal joint mobility (and range of motion) to a joint or joints that have become restricted (with reduced range of motion). This can help free up a joint, restore normal joint range, relax muscles (usually also tight and painful) that may be supplied by that spinal segment - and most importantly, for the patient, to relieve pain.
When this occurs a clicking or popping sound may be heard from the joint area. Spinal manipulation can be a highly effective technique and work very well for many people to relieve pain. (Although, it this is NOT your preference, there are many other osteopathic teachniques that are also highly effective to mobilise joints, relax muscles and releive pain).
Acupuncture can also work well, as part of, or in addition to Osteopathic treatment. Acupuncture can be ideal to help soften and loosen tight (hypertonic) muscles around a restriced joint (often muscles with a nerve supply from that spinal segment. In terms of spinal segmental theory, the effect of acupuncture may involve reverse axion-plasmic flow back towards the spinal sement). Of course, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional Acupuncture 'tight' hypertonic muscle may involve some 'qi and blood stagnation' which occurs in most painful conditions. Tight muscle may reduce its own blood flow, so this makes sense. (Of course the TCM concept of 'stagnation' goes much further than this.)
I find that acupuncture used in this way facilitates any manipulation - getting greater response from the manipulation - with far less force. Just 'tweaking' the joint - as manipulation should never be harsh in any way - 'finesse' never 'force' is the rule here. And, of course, if your preference as a patient is NOT to ever have any manipulation - then there are plenty of highly effective Osteopathic techniques (and of course acupuncture also) that can be very effective.
The result is far more important - more than the method used. In fact, as we are all different, different people will respond better to certain Osteopathic techniques and methods (which may, or may not include manipulation). Manipulation is, after all (as is acupuncture) just another 'tool' or method in the Osteopathic 'tool-box'. Again, we are all different: different things work for different people.
So, if your preference is NOT for manipulation, then, of course, this is fine - and there are many other very effective methods of osteopathic treatment.
As shown perhaps, in this picture above, Osteopathic manipulation can also be very gentle. (I often find that the most gentle techniques are the best).
And, as shown in this picture below, Osteopathic manipulation can sometimes also involve other joints, e.g. the foot (for planar fasciitis, foot pain, etc)
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